Amazon Kindle: Shattering the Great Doubt: The Chan Practice of Huatou

Amazon Kindle: The Poetry of Enlightenment: Poems by Ancient Chan Masters

Amazon Kindle: The Infinite Mirror: Commentaries on Two Chan Classics

Amazon Kindle: Faith in Mind: A Commentary on Seng Ts’an’s Classic

Amazon Kindle: Song of Mind: Wisdom from the Zen Classic Xin Ming

Amazon: Tea Words – Volume One [PDF]

Amazon: Tea Words – Volume Two [PDF]
Translations of the Complete Works of Master Sheng Yen

Amazon Kindle: Chan Master Sheng Yen-A Journey of Learning and Insight (聖嚴法師學思歷程) [Category: I. Autobiography]

Amazon Kindle: The World of Human Realm (人間世) [Category: II. Practice in Everyday Life]

Amazon Kindle: Genuine Happiness (真正的快樂) [Category: II. Practice in Everyday Life]

Amazon Kindle: Happiness of Letting Go (放下的幸福) [Category: II. Practice in Everyday Life]

Amazon Kindle: Chan and Enlightenment (禪與悟) [Category: III. Chan Practice]

Amazon Kindle: The World of Chan (禪的世界) [Category: III. Chan Practice]

Amazon Kindle: Liberated in Stillness and Motion (動靜皆自在) [Category: III. Chan Practice]

Amazon Kindle: Chan Gate (禪門) [Category: III. Chan Practice]

Amazon Kindle: The Life of Chan (禪的生活) [Category: III. Chan Practice]

Amazon Kindle: The Practice of Mindfulness of the Buddha (念佛生淨土) [Category: III. Chan Practice]

Amazon Kindle: The Sūtra on the Eight Realizations of Great Beings-A Commentary by Master Sheng Yen (八大人覺經講記) [Category: IV. Sutra Commentaries]

Amazon Kindle: Commentary on the Sūtra in Forty-Two Sections (四十二章經講記) [Category: IV. Sutra Commentaries]

Amazon Kindle: Sūtra of the Buddha’s Bequeathed Teachings (佛遺教經講記) [Category: IV. Sutra Commentaries]

Amazon Kindle: Praises of the Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva-Commentary by Master Sheng Yen (普賢菩薩行願讚講記) [Category: IV. Sutra Commentaries]

Amazon Kindle: Essentials of the Bodhisattva Precepts (菩薩戒指要) [Category: V. Others]
Guo Gu (Dr. Jimmy Yu)
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Dharma Drum London, operating as London Chan Meditation, is a Registered Charity at Charity Commission for England and Wales (charity number: 1200733), a not-for-profit organisation registered at Companies House in England and Wales (company number: 12529304), and a charity for tax purposes at HMRC (reference number: ZD10119).
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